Screen Sharing with Safari

Screen Sharing with Safari

To share your screen when talking on Daylo Meet from Safari on macOS. You just need to do a few simple configuration changes.

Here is how it works!


  1. Make sure you are using the latest version of Safari on macOS or newer. At the time of writing that was Safari 12.1.

  2. Open Safari Preferences

  3. On the Adavnced tab, check `Show Developer safari-config-0.png){: .align-center}

  4. Go to the Develop menu and then to Experimental Features. Check ScreenCapture and WebRTC Unified Plan.

Screen Sharing

  1. Go to

  2. Press Start. Allow Daylo Meet to access your camera and microphone.

  3. Start screen sharing.

  4. Enjoy your presentation.

These steps work for the desktop version of Safari (macOS). Unfortunately screen sharing is not available for mobile Safari (iOS) yet.